As well as local weekly painting classes, I am involved with many art groups as a tutor and demonstrator.  I am always encouraged by the genuine enthusiasm of adults in learning new skills.  Art brings us together and creates a spirit of community in the sharing of ideas.

My style of teaching aims to incorporate demonstration, instruction and encouragement. I provide technical information about materials and show specific techniques while providing individual instruction in a supportive, friendly atmosphere.

Below is a list of workshops for 2014.  Please contact me for availability and further details.

Subject                                                                                                    Date

Painting with Pastels                                                              Friday 1st March

Oil Painting for all levels                                                       Thursday 11th April

Painting and Drawing the Figure                                         Friday 31st May

Working ‘en plein air‘                                                             Wednesday 19th June

More Pastel Painting                                                              Thursday 11th September

Oil Painting                                                                              Thursday 27th November

Another Day with Pastel                                                        Friday 5th December